What are the benefits of joining MRHA?

Advocacy and Leadership

Policy makers look to MRHA to provide the rural health perspective and voice. MRHA provides members an opportunity to gather with rural health leaders and policy advocates to collectively bring attention to the issues that impact rural communities. Members receive timely updates on issues facing rural health along with opportunities to become involved in strengthening rural health.

Member Engagement

If you live or work in a rural community, you owe it to yourself and your organization to join MRHA and get involved. MRHA brings members together to actively engage in making a positive difference on rural health issues through member events and networking. MRHA builds strong partnerships allowing members to connect with health and health related groups and organizations that are leading the charge for rural health.

Resources and Education

As a member of MRHA, you will have access to legislative briefings and educational opportunities on key rural health topics, such as access, workforce, reimbursement, and regulation. MRHA is a State Association Council member of the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) which allows us to connect our members with the lead rural health advocacy organization in the country.


MRHA builds partnerships across providers, payors, state agencies, community and economic development organizations and other rural health stakeholders to build healthier communities. Our members are part of the largest grassroots collaborative organization in Minnesota focused on strengthening rural health.

State Conference and Policy Forum

The Minnesota Rural Health Conference is the premier rural health event of the year in Minnesota. MRHA is a co-host for the MNRHC. MRHA is proud to sponsor the Rural Health Policy Forum as a featured event. Numerous federal and state legislators have participated along with rural health policy experts and advocacy champions.


Become an MRHA member:

  • Leaders Circle:  $5,000 annual - Large health systems, organizations and allies (unlimited affiliate and associate access to MRHA member benefits, including committee memberships and members-only educational opportunities)  Contact MRHA for more details...

  • Corporate/Organization: $300 annual
    (includes one Primary, and up to three Associate memberships within your organization)

  • Individual: $75 annual

  • Student: $20 annual
    (age 18+, full or part-time student actively enrolled in a degree or certification program)
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